I can’t help but awaken, but I’m afraid to feel.
It’s getting harder to push down the feelings, but I don’t want to acknowledge it. I’m forced to acknowledge, but I don’t want to decide.
The decision has been made for me, but I don’t want to move.
Why is it, just when we think we’ve got it all figured out, the bottom drops out, and we have to start all over again? In one of my workshops, a woman in her 50’s asked, “Should I be concerned that I’m still asking myself the same questions the girl in her early 20’s just asked?” We all laughed, because it did seem absurd that 30 years of living still didn’t provide the bigger answers we all think we need.
In my 20’s, I wrote the List. You know, the “My Dream Relationship” list where you tell the Universe what you want, and you read it every day, visualize it being your reality, and like magic, it suddenly appears simply because you want it so damn bad. Yeah well, it worked, sort of.
You love to love and your love is kind, accommodating, tolerant, extremely giving and insightful. It’s easy to see where someone else is acting out of fear, trying to protect where they’ve been wounded before. When someone lies about how they truly feel and then acts the opposite, their confusion becomes so clear to us.
Is anyone else confused lately? Suddenly it feels like I’ve been plucked out of my old life, my vision and master plan to move ahead in the world has lost it’s impact and confidence, my patience with waiting out this massive transition is growing thin, and there are people in my life that I’m now questioning how they even got there.
When you surrender, all your life’s dreams and desires do not go away or end. It’s when the life you’re destined for can finally begin.
Some fathers tuck their daughters in at the end of the day with the knowing that she’s loved. And others never enter her room, giving her the gift to eventually wake up loving herself.
There are people who lie to cover up the truth, and then there are those who lie, because they aren’t fully aware of their Truth. Even those of us with the very best intentions can easily fall into the second category. Here are some ways you may be lying to yourself every day.
You didn’t let him down, you let him go. You stopped asking for answers you already know.
He has yet to see what he could not choose.
The gift of loving himself over the ease of being loved by you.