The First 40 Years of Childhood Are Always the Hardest

The First 40 Years of Childhood Are Always the Hardest

Why is it, just when we think we’ve got it all figured out, the bottom drops out, and we have to start all over again?  In one of my workshops, a woman in her 50’s asked, “Should I be concerned that I’m still asking myself the same questions the girl in her early 20’s just asked?” We all laughed, because it did seem absurd that 30 years of living still didn’t provide the bigger answers we all think we need. 


The One Thing A Strong Woman Needs From Her Man

The One Thing A Strong Woman Needs From Her Man

In my 20’s, I wrote the List. You know, the “My Dream Relationship” list where you tell the Universe what you want, and you read it every day, visualize it being your reality, and like magic, it suddenly appears simply because you want it so damn bad.  Yeah well, it worked, sort of.